Month: April 2015

  • How does this work?

    A quick little post to let you know how we work!  We know that you have lots of things to do before your wedding day… and if you’ve got guests coming from out of town, you’d love to have a little something for them waiting at their hotel.  We offer a number of Nashville/Tennessee based…

  • It’s Friday!

    Love this photo of just a tiny sampling of products that we offer for your guests’ welcome bags – we’re working away now to have some details about our most popular bag contents and some Nashville-based products you may not even know about! Until then, enjoy this little photo and have a great weekend!

  • welcome to hello nashville!

    we’re so excited about our new little venture!  we’ve offered this service in a limited way and got such rave reviews that we thought it was time to make it official!  check back often as we offer details, galleries of previous welcome bags, product details and more!